Soulful Shoots… tell me your story

And I’ll tell you mine

I’m a photographer and intuitive life coach. I used to struggle getting my head around having a “portfolio career”, often worrying what people would think of me for having two completely different lines of work. I was always searching for a link between the two and then one day it struck me… storytelling!

I love nothing more than a good story. My coaching clients tell me their stories. I tell stories through my photographs. We’re all storytellers!

So I brought the two things I love (photography and coaching) together and started offering Soulful Shoots (aka personal branding) to female founders, creatives, entrepreneurs and small conscious businesses. These are personal branding shoots with a difference… I use my life coaching skills to really get to know a client and explore their brand inside out before we shoot. My aim is to help women show up, be visible and tell their story to the world.

I love getting to know new clients, understanding what motivates them and discovering their dreams. Collaborating together is a really creative process; we share ideas, research locations, talk about style, outfits, colour palettes and props. All of the small little details that will make the shoot extra special.

On the day, it’s always a good idea to set an intention, try to be fully present and allow for those magical moments to happen. Shoot days are always fun, inspiring and super relaxed.

Below are a few images from some of my recent Soulful Shoots. If you like what you see, then book a discovery call with me and tell me your story.