The dog’s depressed

Week two arrived with news of a new Covid vaccine on the horizon, whilst Dominic Cummings finally left Downing Street and most of number ten (Boris included) were self isolating… again! London was wall to wall grey skies, darkness falling by 5pm, the mood heavy… even the dog’s depressed!

I moved into my new (and absolutely massive) bedroom, spending much of the week unpacking, organising and trying to find things to fill it with. With so much space I’ve started practising yoga again and massively ramped up my morning routine. I discovered Hal Elrod’s SAVERS acronym from his book The Miracle Morning… the six parts of the routine include silence (I practice breathwork), affirmations, visualisation, exercise, reading, and scribing (aka journalling) which helps improve our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. I’ve started incorporating it into my mornings and so far so good! I’ll keep you posted.

A Scorpio new moon fell on 15th November (new moons are all about new beginnings), so it was time to do another Tamara Driessen tarot spread and set an intention for the month. I invited in more playfulness and as if by magic I was invited to take photographs for Super Roots, who encourage kids to play outdoors and connect with the natural world. A fun afternoon spent building a campfire and cooking pancakes.

In total contrast to working outside in nature, I assisted on a shoot in Canary Wharf which confirmed all of my suspicions… the office really is dead! At 8am there were only a handful of people in the area and Adam’s Plaza Bridge, currently wrapped in Camille Walala’s bright geometric patterns, was empty aside from one masked woman. I remember this time last year being elbow to elbow in there, with it packed to the brim for the Christmas lights display.

Outside of work, I hopped on my bike and ended up in Lloyd Park for the first time. Home to the William Morris Gallery (currently closed due to lockdown), I became infatuated with this incredible tree, which I later discovered was a lemon scented gum tree (part of the eucalyptus family) and spent over an hour looking, touching and photographing it. Also hung out with a curious little squirrel.

Sunday’s unexpected rainstorm found me befriending our new neighbours to admire an intensely bright double rainbow falling directly over our house (it was too wide to capture on my camera, but looks like the pot of gold is right here in my new bedroom!).