extinction rebellion

WTF Boris?

Isolation stories: week eight

Stay alert, go to work, don’t go to work… wtf Boris? seriously WTF?! We were all very confused about lockdown and what we should and shouldn't be doing. Matt Lucas summed it up perfectly with his spoof that went viral.

Everyone is desperate for a haircut! On BBC 6 music, Lauren Laverne dedicated one of her morning shows to people’s hair dilemmas, and in our house Michelle got her hands on Charlie’s fringe! Headscarves seem to have made a bit of a come back and I’m personally loving all the time I’m saving not washing my hair, or wearing makeup everyday for that matter. In fact, according to this Huffington Post article the average woman spends 55 mins per day on her appearance (that’s two weeks per year!) and £47,000 on her hair in a lifetime! That’s obscene. All hail the natural look.

This week the parks were jam packed… Clissold Park in Stoke Newington was full to the brim with people eating ice cream and having picnics from 2m apart. I met up with my amazingly talented (and very funny) pal Jenni Sparks to catch up and receive a belated birthday present… an Aries print she’s illustrated! Jenni is working her way through the entire zodiac (illustrations that is!), so go take a look at her Instagram as this woman has some serious drawing skills!

Extinction Rebellion were back on the streets of Hackney, flying their flags with a socially distanced bike ride to highlight that as lockdown eases, traffic levels are rising sharply and affecting London’s air quality once again. I stopped to chat with a mother and her two cute little girls, plus a couple of ladies gave me some sunflower seeds to plant in the garden! Lots of lovely community vibes going on.

I enjoyed a coaching session with the brilliant Melissa Maouris… it never fails to amaze me what comes up through a powerful coaching conversation. Some of you might not know, but I’m also a qualified transformational life coach and I have a couple of coaching spots becoming available soon. So if you’ve been feeling like you’d benefit from some support during this time, or perhaps you’re considering making some changes in your life and need to gain more clarity, or maybe you just want to find out more about coaching then do drop me a line… I’d love to hear from you.

In exciting news, I received a handwritten reply to the letter I sent last week! So it’s official… I have a new pen pal and we shall be sending letters back and forth just like the olden days. Highly recommend buying some stamps and giving it a go, totally made my week!

In our house, the aroma of Sauerkraut drifted through the air as Mike was putting together jars of his immune boosting fermented cabbage. Keep an eye on his Instagram over the coming weeks if you fancy getting your hands on some, it’s super tasty! We also discovered that Eira (the pup) is a total sun worshiper… wherever there’s a small sunny spot on the floor, she’s guaranteed to be lying in it. She’s Maltese, so I guess it makes sense!

We ended the week with some (very strong) Margaritas in the garden… and the rest is all a bit of a blur!

Week eight in photos... I’d love to hear what you think so please do like, comment or share any thoughts below and thanks so much for taking the time to read.